We promised last month that following Chad’s list of 50 plus
adult activities we would give you a sneak peek at Amie’s list of
activities for the kids. We have combined all the activities for ages 2 ½
to 15 to create one big alphabetical list. You never know, there just
might be a few surprise additions when you arrive!
Keep in mind that not all these activities are suitable for all age groups so schedules will vary depending on the age of your children.
Keep in mind that not all these activities are suitable for all age groups so schedules will vary depending on the age of your children.
- Archery
- Arts & Crafts
- Banana Boating
- Big Blue Slide
- Boat Floats
- Book Mobile
- Bowling
- Caching
- Campfire & S’mores
- Campout
- Capture the Flag
- Carnival Night
- Climbing Wall
- Cooking Projects
- Cookout
- Dinosaur exploration
- Drama with Dena
- Fishing with Nature Dave
- Freeze Tag
- Gardening with Claudia
- Gold Rush Treasure Hunt
- Gymnastics
- Hayrides
- Kick the Can
- Lake Trampoline
- Low Ropes Course
- Martial Arts with Dave (Nature Dave’s son)
- Mini Golf
- Mountain Biking
- Nature Explorations & Scavenger Hunts
- Newcome
- Passport Event
- Pirate Pontoon
- Pirate Treasure Hunt
- Pony Rides
- Pool Party
- Rocket Launching
- Science Activities
- Splash Pad
- Sprinkler Play
- Summit Express
- Trampoline
- Tubing
- Volcano and Sand Sculpture Build Off
- Wakeboarding
- Waterskiing
- Water table
- Worm Farming
- Zip Line